
Affiliate Disclosure:

I believe in transparency on the web and so I am
disclosing that I’ve included certain products and
links on this site that I will earn an affiliate
commission for should you decide to make a
My goal with this site is to help educate you on the
possibilities that exist online and also to be a
powerful resource for you, but please understand I
am doing this as a for-profit business.
Given this, you should assume that any links leading
you to products or services are affiliate links and I will
potentially receive compensation should you decide
to buy. I only promote products or services that I have
investigated and truly feel deliver value.
Please note that I have not been given any free
products, services, or anything else by these
companies in exchange for mentioning them on the
If you have any questions regarding the above, please
do not hesitate to contact me by using the contact
page. It can be accessed via the menu above.

Earnings Disclaimer

Please be sure to read it carefully so you know
exactly where you stand:
Note that individual results will vary and income
results are not guaranteed with anything we share on
this website. Our goal is to recommend you online
tools, education, tips, and ideas to help kick-start
your business, but the effort you put in is what will
make or break your success levels.
While we may endorse or promote a variety of
individuals testimonials and case studies, this does
not mean you will get the same results. There are
those who will not earn any money or get any result
at all with the training, tools, tips, and ideas we share
because it all depends on your determination, hard
work and ability to follow directions. As a
business owner or entrepreneur, the understanding
needs to be in place that you will take full
responsibility for your results.